Python / Pandas
I’m a product data analyst (currently working for
This is my peripherical-brain for python
/ pandas
, it’s not exhaustive, but I try to update it with cool stuff I learned along the way.
Started: ~2015
Python 🐍
- Beyond PEP8 - Best practices for beautiful intelligible code → very useful tips, thanks ryx,r
- → ressources list
- Daily global retention
- List comprehension
Create on the fly list for loop:
for info in df.column.unique().to_list():
do stuff
Enumerate() for loop:
env_list = [responsive, ios, android]
env_name = ["responsive", "ios", "android"]
for idx, env in enumerate(env_list):
current_date_name = 'df_{}_{}'.format(env_name[idx], current_date.replace('-', '_'))
previous_date_name = 'df_{}_{}'.format(env_name[idx], previous_date.replace('-', '_'))
print ('getting {} information for {}'.format(env_name[idx], current_date))
Python has a HTTP server built into the# standard library. This is super handy for# previewing websites.
Python 3
$ python3 -m http.server
Python 2
# (This will serve the current directory at# http://localhost:8000)
$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
Backward range() 350 –0
range(350, 0, -1)
Execute a python file in terminal
How to document a function
def function():
""" this function aims to..."""
""" this function aims to..."""
File concatenation and folder cleaning
os.system("sh /opt/insight-repositories/pyLBC/reporting/ " + current_date_name)
Loop over a date range and get first and last day of the week (or the month with rrule.MONTHLY)
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, date
from dateutil import rrule
start = date(2018, 11, 5)
end = date(2018, 11, 19)
for dt in rrule.rrule(rrule.WEEKLY, dtstart=start, until=end):
start_date =
end_date = start_date + timedelta(6)
.format() method for variable: Template Strings
from string import Template
name = 'Bob'
t = Template('Hey, $name!')
>>'Hey, Bob!'
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
yesterday = datetime.strftime( - timedelta(1), '%Y-%m-%d')
from datetime import datetime
today = datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d')
How to easily get same week day y-1
52*7 = 364
day n - 364 = same week day y-1
How to create a Y-1 column? With .shift(364) !
df['visits_y1'] = df.visits.shift(364)
Iterating through a range of dates in Python
from datetime import timedelta, date
def daterange(start_date, end_date):
for n in range(int ((end_date - start_date).days)):
yield start_date + timedelta(n)
start_date = date(2013, 1, 1)
end_date = date(2015, 6, 2)
for single_date in daterange(start_date, end_date):
Find any text between ‘<’ and ‘>
import re
text = '<>'
re.findall(r'<(.*?)>', text)
Pandas 🐼
- Brandon Rhodes: Pandas From The Ground Up (PyCon 2015) = Best intro ever 🙏
- StackOverflow Favorites
groupby nomenclature
df[['metric_1', 'metric_2’]].groupby('df.dimension_1', 'df.dimension_2').df_metrics.mean()
Put index as column
Append data to csv with mode=”a”
# create tmp dataframe
data_tmp = {'retention': retention, 'platform' : env_name[idx]}
df_tmp = pd.DataFrame(index=[current_date], data=data_tmp)
# append date and retention value to the csv
df_tmp.to_csv('daily_retention.csv', mode='a', header=False)
How to handle automation date with manual date capability
# date
if len(sys.argv) 1:
ref_date = toStrDateIso(sys.argv[1])
ref_date =
current_date = toStrDateIso(ref_date + timedelta(days = -2))
previous_date = toStrDateIso(ref_date + timedelta(days = -3))
How to load csv files and interpreting: date + decimal with comma instead of dot
df_data = pd.read_csv("/path/file.csv", sep=";", parse_dates=True, decimal=",")
or df_data = pd.read_csv("/path/file.csv", parse_dates=['col1', 'col2'])
Index manipulation
moves columns to left indexreset_index
moves the index to the right out of indexunstack
moves line to the top index (‘up’) / stack
Most efficient way to select part of a data frame
df.set_index(['a', 'b']).sort_index()
How to add thousand separator to a .plot() graph
ax = plt.gca()
ax.get_yaxis().set_major_formatter(plt.FuncFormatter(lambda x, loc: "{:,}".format(int(x))))
Merge on right and left index
df_global = pd.merge(df_1, df_2, left_index=True, right_index=True)
When importing csv, make sure dd/mm/yyyy object format translate in yyy-mm-dd datetime object
df = pd.read_csv()
df.column_date = pd.to_datetime(df.column_date, format='%d/%m/%Y')
Drop a specific column
del df['column_name']
Aggregate on specific column and get a dataframe (double brackets)
Aggregate on specific column and get a serie (single bracket)
Methods to rename columns
column_names = {
‘col_name_1’ : ‘new_col_1’,
pd.rename(column=column_names, inplace = True)
df.column(‘new_col_1’, […])
or for one specific columns (and more if needed)
df = df.rename(columns=({'col_name' : 'new_col_name'}))
but best method
df.columns = ['col_1', 'col_2', ...]
Convert specific column in datetime object (time consuming method)
df.column_date = pd.to_datetime(df.column_date)
In order to improve it, specify format!
df.column_date = pd.to_datetime(df.column_date, format="%Y-%m-%d")
How to use different agg method in the same groupby
df.groupby('col1').agg({'col2' : 'count', 'col3' : 'sum'})
how to return the number of unique element of a serie
From an object column containing number, clean ‘-‘ and convert it to int (with pandas version 0.17)
df.ad_price = df.ad_price.replace({'-' : 0})
df.ad_price = pd.to_numeric(df.ad_price)
From an object column containing number, replace ‘,’ with ‘.’
df.ca_ht.str.replace(',' , '.') # use the comma!
Get column percentage occurencies / number
df.col.value_counts(normalize=True)/ df.col.value_counts(normalize=False) or df.col.value_counts()
Filter datetime columns that have X days in difference
df[df.col_datetime1 - df.col_datetime2 <= 'X days']
int64 serie to object
df.int_col = df.int_col.apply(str)
Filter values of a column based on conditions from another set of columns
df.loc[(df["Gender"]=="Female") & (df["Education"]=="Not Graduate") & (df["Loan_Status"]=="Y"), ["Gender","Education","Loan_Status"]]
df.loc[(df.user_weight == 'big') | (df.user_weight == 'medium') & (df.user_type == 'browsers')]
# must use | & not or and
Skip first raw when importing excel
df_3 = pd.read_excel('contact_3.xlsx', skiprows=1)
YOY evolution over time
df.resample('M')[['metric ']].sum().pct_change(12)
Datetime format apply the format and allow us to manipulate it as we want after!
df_data.Date = pd.to_datetime(df_data.Date, format="%d/%m/%Y")
Handy matplotlib funtions to get thousands or percentage
def plt_thousand():
# avoid scientific thousand notation + add comma between thousands for better readability
ax = plt.gca()
ax.get_yaxis().set_major_formatter(plt.FuncFormatter(lambda x, loc: "{:,}".format(int(x))))
def plt_percentage(df):
# transform ylabel decimal in percentage
ax = df
ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FuncFormatter(lambda y, _: '{:.0%}'.format(y)))
# or (↓ might be a better option)
def plt_percentage():
# transform ylabel decimal in percentage
ax = plt.gca()
ax.get_yaxis().set_major_formatter(plt.FuncFormatter(lambda y, _: '{:.0%}'.format(y)))
No index column when creating a csv
df.to_csv('my_csv.csv', sep=';', index=False)
How to read files in a folder
import os
Delete several columns (will delete columns 1, 7, 9, 10, 11)
df = df.drop(df.columns[[1, 7, 9, 10, 11]], axis=1)
Split column text with an argument and select the second part of the split
df['str_obj_column'] = df['str_obj_column'].str.split('argument', expand=True)[1]
Renaming multiple columns
df.columns = ['colunm_1_name', ..., 'column_n_name']
Index to datetime
df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index)
Insert image in text cell
Remove the first blank row when assigning index (this is caused by the name assigned to the index)
For loops to concat df
list_nb = ['0', '1', '2']
for i in list_nb:
if i == '0':
data_agg = pd.DataFrame(data=data)
data_agg = data_agg.append(data, ignore_index=True)
list_nb = ['0', '1', '2']
for idx, i in enumerate(list_nb):
if idx == 0:
data_agg = pd.DataFrame(data=data)
data_agg = data_agg.append(data)
How to create a new empty dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame()
How to calculate % of grouped df
grouped_df = grouped_df.groupby('desired_column').apply(lambda x: x/x.sum() *100)
# (or float(x.sum()) )
How to calculate D3/D1 % from a multiIndex DF?
df['d3vsd1'] = df[df.columns[1]] / df[df.columns[0]] *100
# use df.columns[level] !
How to sort df by a specific column
df = df.sort_values('column_to_sort')
When returning a dataframe from a function, we need to assign it to a variable in order to use it
def function():
do things
return df
df_var = function()
Reload packages without restarting the kernel
%reload_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
Flatten hierarchical index in columns
df.columns = df.columns.get_level_values(0)
# or
pd.DataFrame(df.to_records()) # multiindex become columns
Combine multiple index into one index
df.columns = [' '.join(col).strip() for col in df.columns.values]
# even better:
pd.DataFrame(df.to_records()) # multiindex become columns and new index is integers only
How to reference a link to another cell
[link to the cell](#name-of-the-markdown-cell)
To select rows whose column value equals a scalar, some_value, use ==:
df.loc[df['column_name'] == some_value]
To select rows whose column value is in an iterable, some_values, use isin:
Combine multiple conditions with &:
df.loc[(df['column_name'] == some_value) & df['other_column'].isin(some_values)]
To select rows whose column value does not equal some_value, use !=:
df.loc[df['column_name'] != some_value]
isin returns a boolean Series, so to select rows whose value is not in some_values, negate the boolean Series using ~
UnicodeDecodeError when reading CSV file ‘ISO-8859-1’ is the solution
df = pd.read_csv('file.csv', sep=';', encoding = 'ISO-8859-1')
How to put last column first
cols = list(df.columns)
cols = [cols[-1]] + cols[:-1]
df = df[cols]
How to replace negative value with 0 (clip / clip_lower)
df[['neg_col_1', 'neg_col_2']] = df[['neg_col_1', 'neg_col_2']].clip_lower(0)
How to keep only date from datetime full format (
df.d_time_date =
Set graph size when starting a new notebook
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (17, 5)
.plot() line width
df.sort_values([('level_0', 'level_1')], ascending=False)
Group by on index level
Retention - Color scoping vmin/vmax + fix graph
import seaborn as sns
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 8))
plt.title('Cohorts: weekly Buyers Retention')
ax = sns.heatmap(weekly_buyer_retention, mask=weekly_buyer_retention.isnull(), annot=True, fmt='.0%', vmin=0, vmax=0.15);
# fix the wrong diplay
bottom, top = ax.get_ylim()
ax.set_ylim(bottom + 0.5, top - 0.5)
Function on several columns with .loc
Pandas Plot - Rotate X Axis
df.plot(figsize=(15,7), kind='bar', rot=0)
Graph function project #wip
def graph(dataframe, **kwargs):
Function to improve matplotlib graphs readability
→ import matplotlib as mpl
→ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
→ from matplotlib.ticker import FuncFormatter
→ import matplotlib.ticker as mtick
→ from cycler import cycler
→ functions plt_thousand() + plt_percentage()
Optional informations:
- kind: ['line', 'bar', 'barh', 'area', 'pie'...]
- rot: handle xaxis text rotation
- figsize: per default to (15,7)
- title: optional title for the graph
- stacked: True to be stacked
- thousand: rely on the custom function plt_thousand()
- percentage: rely on the custom function plt_percentage()
- legend: yes|no, location, custom values, understand why several column referenced
- title position (put it a bit higher)
# kwargs mapping
kind = kwargs.get('kind', None) # type du graphique
rot = kwargs.get('rot', 0) # rotation des x labels (0 = horizontal)
figsize = kwargs.get('figsize', (15,7)) # taille du graphique
title = kwargs.get('title', None)
stacked = kwargs.get('stacked', False)
thousand = kwargs.get('thousand', False) # ajout d'une virgule pour séparer les milliers
percentage = kwargs.get('percentage', False) # multiplié par 100 et ajout du %
legend = kwargs.get('legend', True)
subplots = kwargs.get('subplots', False) # Doit être à True si kind='pie'
xlabel = kwargs.get('xlabel', None) # Pas de titre pour l'axe des abscisses par défaut
ylabel = kwargs.get('ylabel', None) # Pas de titre pour l'axe des abscisses par défaut
ylim = kwargs.get('ylim', None) # Démarrage de l'axe des ordonnés
xlim = kwargs.get('xlim', None) # Démarrage de l'axe des abscisses
legend_loc = kwargs.get('legend.loc', 'best')
legend = kwargs.get('legend', None)
color = kwargs.get('color', 'set_1') # set_1 per default
text = kwargs.get('text', None)
# Nuancier leboncoin :
# remap colors to 'set_1' per default
plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = cycler('color', ['#FF6E14', '#3C78C8', '#FFBE00', '#55B950', '#DC002D', '#7346AA', '#BEBEBE', '#A8B4C0'])
if color == 'set_1':
set_1 = cycler('color', ['#FF6E14', '#3C78C8', '#FFBE00', '#55B950', '#DC002D', '#7346AA', '#BEBEBE', '#A8B4C0'])
color = kwargs.get('color', set_1)
if color == 'set_2':
set_2 = cycler('color', ['#FFD74B', '#87CD82', '#F05069', '#234678', '#870019', '#412864', '#3C3C3C', '#647382'])
plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = set_2
if color == 'set_3':
set_3 = cycler('color', ['#9B7DC3', '#D7E1F5', '#FFF0CD', '#DCF0DC', '#FACDD2', '#E6D7F0', '#E6EBEF', '#CAD1D9'])
plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = set_3
# plotting main function
, rot=rot
, figsize=figsize
, title=title
, stacked=stacked
, legend=legend
, subplots=subplots
, ylim=ylim
, xlim=xlim)
# legend
plt.rcParams['legend.frameon'] = True
if legend_loc != 'best':
plt.rcParams['legend.loc'] = legend_loc
# add an horizonal label for the y axis
# plt.text(-0.23, 0.96, 'Transaction Type', fontsize=15, fontweight='black', color = '#333F4B')
# set the spines position
#ax.spines['bottom'].set_position(('axes', -0.04))
#ax.spines['left'].set_position(('axes', 0.015))
# style
# font
plt.rcParams[''] = 'sans-serif'
plt.rcParams['font.serif'] = 'Arial'
plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 12
# axis style
plt.rcParams['axes.edgecolor'] = '#E6EBEF'
plt.rcParams['axes.linewidth'] = 0.8
plt.rcParams['axes.facecolor'] = 'white'
plt.rcParams['axes.titleweight'] = 'heavy'
# change the style of the axis spines
plt.rcParams[''] = False
plt.rcParams['axes.spines.right'] = False
plt.rcParams['axes.labelcolor'] = '#3C3C3C'
plt.rcParams[''] = False
plt.rcParams['ytick.right'] = False
# line style
plt.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 1.5
# label
#ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=15, fontweight='black', color = '#333F4B')
plt.xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=15, fontweight='black', color='#333F4B')
plt.ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=15, fontweight='black', color='#333F4B')
# handle Thousand notation on y-axis
if thousand == True:
# handle Percentage notation on y-axis
if percentage == True:
# custom legend
if legend != None:
df = pd.read_csv('', sep='\t')
How to make a dataframe with a single date column
df_period_index = pd.period_range(start='1/1/2018', end='31/12/2018', freq='D')
df_date = pd.DataFrame()
df_date['date'] = df_period_index
↑ the date column is going to be a period object.
From period object to datetime: = df_date['date'].apply(lambda d: pd.to_datetime(str(d)))
How to drop empty rows (when noting in the cell)
df = df[df.column_name.astype(bool)]
# df.column_name.astype(bool) = True
# and empty row return False ;) !
Create new column with “Year-Quarter” from datetime object
df_op['order_quarter'] = df_op.event_datetime.apply(lambda x: x.strftime('%Y' + '-' + str((x.month-1)//3)))
From entire date to year-month only
df['year_month'] = df['complete_date'].dt.to_period('M')
From unix timestamp to datetime
pd.to_datetime(df['timestamp'], unit='s')
Outer join to merge and to see differences between 2 dataframes thanks to a ‘merge’ column (_indicator=True)
df_merge = df_old.merge(df_new, how='outer', on=['user_id', 'hour_event'], indicator=True)
_merge | user_id |
left_only | 4017 |
right_only | 2315 |
both | 41400 |
A Cool SQL Problem: Avoiding For-Loops
I decided to solve the problem presented in this post.
The SQL is not that hard, but it took me more time to find a ‘set-based’ solution in Pandas without the use of a for loop.
Here is what I ended up with:
# Dataframe creation
d = {'trading_date': ['2015-06-01', '2015-06-02', '2015-06-03', '2015-06-04', '2015-06-05', '2015-06-08', '2015-06-09', '2015-06-10'], 'price': [41, 43, 47, 42, 45, 39, 38, 41] }
df = pd.DataFrame(data=d)
# new column that gives the max price from previous rows
df['rolling_max'] = df.price.expanding().max()
# new column that gives the min price from previous rows
df['rolling_min'] = df.price.expanding().min()
# Max profit for each row
df['max_profit'] = df.price - df.rolling_min
# Min profit for each row
df['min_profit'] = df.rolling_min - df.rolling_max
# Overall Max Profit
print(max(df.price - df.rolling_min))
# Overall Min Profit
print(min(df.rolling_min - df.rolling_max))
→ The difficulty for me lied in the translation of the sql:
max(price) over (order by trading_date between unbounded preceding and current row)
→ This stackoverflow post and in particular this sentence, helped me a lot:
# If the goal is to get the function applied from the beginning of the DataFrame down to the current line, then the object to use is Expanding:
- CoolStuffILearn - unix / bash
- CoolStuffILearn - SQL